Account Overview

Account API enables a financial institution or account holder to manage and maintain their account information through various touchpoints.

Platform Support: CSL=Credit Select 



  • Access Account Information

    Retrieve account-specific data for the customer or the finanical institution

  • Retrieve Statements

    View statement information along with transactions.

  • Retrieve Account Limits

    Retrieve account limits which includes credit, temporary credit and cash limits.


Details feature enables entities to retrieve basic and detailed account data for integration within consumer-facing or representative-facing channels to improve customer servicing.

  • Search: Provides access to customer account details based on the account information


Statements feature provides information about billing statements available for the account. Detailed statement information provides all the individual transactions billed on a statement. 

  • Search:  Provides account level statements for all cards related to account

                ** Coming Soon **

Limits feature enables  users to retrieve and update the credit limit, cash limit, or the temporary credit limit for an account number.

  • Search : Provides access to account limits based on the account information
  • Update : Provides access to update account limits based on the account information


Transaction feature enables account holders to retrieve recent account transactions  as well as allow account holders to search for multiple transactions by specific search criteria, multiple dates and multiple merchant.

  • Search: Retrieves transaction details of a given account based on the criteria submitted. 

               ** Coming Soon **